Supporting Students of Determination


WSR is equipped with facilities where the individual needs of students can be accommodated. These areas are accessible to all students who would be needing separate sessions apart from the learning that takes place inside their classes. All areas have appropriate resources that the staff can use to aid the learning of the child.


When a student with additional learning needs is identified, he/she is provided with additional support within and outside the classroom, as appropriate. The school follows Graduated Response to Supporting Children with Additional Learning Needs - it recognizes that all children learn in different ways and can have different types and levels of educational needs. The class teacher and subject teachers are responsible for working with the student on a daily basis, with support from the Inclusion Department.

Push in sessions

Students are supported through a joint effort of their class teachers and Special Educators. Class teachers will coordinate closely with the special educators to plan and initiate teaching strategies, activities, and classwork to ensure the progress of students with additional learning needs in their respective classes. 

Pull Out sessions

Students who require more individualized attention will have a one-on-one session with respective special educators (LSA, SEN Counsellor or SENCO) at the Enrichment Centre. The sessions will focus on IEP goals.


This is a whole-school approach wherein the staff of the Inclusion Department suggests ways to modify teaching styles, content/ material, and assessment to suit the individual needs of the students.

School Action

This is provided for the students who would require an Individual Learning Plan (ILP) depending on the learning needs. There will be suggestions for differentiation, modification, and accommodation and pull out sessions based on the need of the student.

School Action Plus

This will be applicable to students who have complex needs and require the Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) that would provide detailed support for differentiation, modification and accommodation. Push-in and pull out sessions will be provided by the Inclusion Department as per need of the student.

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